R A I K O \\ O W N E R
S T IJ N // D O N D E R S
Pleased to meet you! My name is Stijn Donders, owner of
R A I K O // R E C O R D S. Born on May 6th 1986 in The Netherlands where I still live in Gouda.
I have been playing, composing and creating music all my life and have been producing music professionally for over 8 years now. In 2017 I started teaching music production at AMP (Albeda College Muzikant/Producer) in Rhoon to MBO students with a program I developed together with the great people at AMP.
My musical backstory is quite a long one, so I will try to keep it brief..!
(age 4): started playing the violin
(age 7) : accepted at the Sweelinck Conservatory in Amsterdam
(age 11): transfered to the Royal Conservatory in The Hague
(age 15): quit studying the violin
(age 16): started playing guitar and singing
(age 17): started playing in bands and started writing songs
(age 19): accepted at the University of the Arts (HKU) in Utrecht
(age 23): graduated in Music Production & Composition
(age 24): started producing/recording/mixing music
in Studio Plug Unit
(age 30): developed a government certified program for teaching music production
(age 31): started teaching music production in Rhoon
(age 33: built Raiko Studio and founded Raiko Records

Martial Arts
My other passion in life is practicing, teaching and studying Martial Arts.
I started practicing Aikido when I was 17 years old and started teaching in my own dojo since I was 21 years old.
If you ever want to achieve something of importance, you need to have a good mindset. Training my body and mind daily helps me achieve what I want to do in life.